In News

Australian Government grants to support the installation of 5G technology services

Late last year we were invited to respond to a discussion paper on the concept of the Australian Government considering grants to support the installation of 5G technology services to showcase the benefits of this new technology. The Government has now made the announcement that they will be providing grants of up to $2m for the implementation of 5G systems to demonstrate the technology – details are available online and applications open shortly.

As a part of the proposal, the Ministers outline mentions that the grants will also be open for private 5G services – this is an opportunity for our members and clients to be involved. There will be spectrum available across all areas of Australia and in a few different frequency bands too. ARCIA responded to the discussion paper and the Department of Communications – part of the DITRDC super department – have notified us of the opportunities and are keen to see our members and users taking up this opportunity.

If you or any of your clients have a need for LTE, either in 5G format or existing LTE technology, then this may be a chance to get some sponsorship for the installation of the system and equipment. If you think there may be an application but you are concerned about getting involved in 5G or LTE, then please contact ARCIA and we will help you to identify the opportunity and introduce you to another ARCIA Partner who will work with you on the project. Remember, these are your existing clients and by being involved in their 5G or LTE plans you will maintain them as a client for many years to come.

This is a great opportunity we hope you can take advantage of. If you want more information or support, contact Ian Miller and we will work with you as best we can. Further information available at and 5G Innovation Initiative Noticeboard.