ARCIA – Representing the wireless communications industry in Australia.

The Australian Radio Communications Industry Association (ARCIA) was established in 2007 to raise awareness of the four-billion-dollar wireless communications industry that underpins the efficient operation of major infrastructure and public services in our nation.

The peak body representing members from across the two-way radio, Internet of Things (IoT), cellular and broadband technology industries, ARCIA support the development of an innovative and sustainable Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector in Australia.

Acknowledging the past – looking to the future from ARCIA on Vimeo.

Leading policy development on issues impacting the communications industry.

A member funded, not-for-profit incorporated association, ARCIA provide an avenue through which members and stakeholders can collaborate on industry specific initiatives.

Driving policy development and promoting the value of the wireless communications sector in Australia, ARCIA are committed to increasing the levels of training and expertise related to the protection and enhanced utilisation of radio communications spectrum.

To find out more about influencing policy issues in the wireless communications industry, visit the ARCIA policy centre.

Our Aim

ARCIA aims to actively canvas support and involvement from all sections of the wireless communications industry as a unified voice to share the views and needs of our members with Government and regulators across Australia.

We actively support the Public Safety sector providing advice and guidance on the sustainable development of communication infrastructure and standards to ensure a robust operating environment. We continually extend our reach to similar industries with the goal of improving the understanding of wireless communications as an essential social service.

Our Mission

ARCIA provide specialist services that encourage ethical standards of business conduct across the industry. With ongoing promotion, support and educational opportunities we will foster future industry development and growth enabling members to succeed and advance professional standards.

We foster an environment for members, radio users, industry professionals and manufacturers to exchange ideas that will further develop interests and benefits within the industry.

Championing a national benchmark through industry accreditation.

As accreditation becomes a core requirement of all radio buy quotation requests and tender documents, ARCIA have established an industry accreditation program to encouraging a high standard of work practices and ensure a national benchmark industry standard is recognised.

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Spectrum management and regulation.

ARCIA works with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) in spectrum planning for mobile broadband, the Internet of Things, Smart Cities and many other segments. The ACMA plan and manage the radio frequency spectrum in Australia and is responsible for compliance with licensing requirements and investigating complaints of interference to services. For information on radio frequency regulations please visit the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) website.