In ACMA Papers, News

ACMA allocates spectrum between 3400-3475 MHz for low-power LA-WBB in metro areas!

There has been much discussion on what should be done with the spectrum segment that is presently licensed to NBN Co in the major metropolitan areas. NBN Co have a nationwide spectrum licence but they have realised that they won’t be using wireless connectivity in the major city locations.

The ACMA have had three separate discussion papers on what should happen with the spectrum relinquished, with their first thoughts being that it should be made available in blocks suited to the carriers and put out for auction.

ARCIA has pushed in each case for the spectrum to be held for local area wireless broadband (LA-WBB) to give industry some spectrum for enterprise LTE services and although we continued to lobby, it didn’t seem like we were getting any traction.

In the paper released earlier this week, the ACMA have changed direction and will now be allocating the 75 MHz of spectrum between 3400-3475 MHz for low-power LA-WBB in metropolitan areas—great news!

Download the ACMA document Proposed spectrum re-allocation declaration for the 3.4 GHz and 3.7 GHz bands—Outcomes paper >>


Although supposedly separate from the above item, the ACMA will be conducting research into the requirements and demand for private LTE systems. They will be looking for responses from various industries and we would ask you all to think about both responding as your own organisation, but more importantly, getting your clients who may have a need for PLTE to also respond to the research enquiry.

As we hear more we will pass the contact details along and ask that you share them widely.

– Ian Miller, ARCIA Executive Officer