Award Categories and Nomination.

Each year at the Gala Dinner, we publicly recognise excellence via our Excellence Awards. Anyone can nominate, but nominees must be current financial members of ARCIA, either individually or via the organisation they work for.

CLOSING DEADLINE: Friday, 19 September 2025, after which date no further nominations will be accepted.

ARCIA strongly encourages anyone directly involved with, or who has had dealings with, the radio and critical communications sector via an ARCIA Member to nominate a member company, project, or person for one of the categories listed below.

In addition to the below six categories open for nominations, two additional awards are presented on the night that is pre-selected, which are: The Jonathan Livingstone Seagull Award, which recognises a person who has contributed to the industry over an extended period of time, therefore benefitting the wider community and the Peter Wallace Industry Advancement Award, the winner of which is chosen from the State Industry Advancement Awards that have been given out during the year, in conjunction with the ARCIA State Dinners.

Determination of the award winner for each category is based upon specific criteria, which incorporate the following:

    Local Manufacturing Award


    • To recognise Australian companies that invest in local production that relates to RF communications, two-way radio, critical communications and associated technologies.


    • Recognised Australian-made products with a demonstrable percentage of local manufacturing.
    • Is actively exporting equipment or promoting Australian-made intellectual property to the rest of the world.

      Who can nominate:

      • Anyone.

      Who can win:

      • Any company or organisation that is a current financial ARCIA Member.

      Required nomination information:

      • What product(s) being manufactured locally for export is included in this nomination?
      • How many local people are involved in the design, production, promotion and support of the product(s)?
      • What percentage of the nominated product(s) can be considered ‘Australian Made”?
      • What are the benefits to the company of local production?
      • How are the Australian products viewed by customers?
      • Additional information: Optional (e.g., Awards, Certificates etc)

      How do we judge:

      • A panel of judges selected by the ARCIA committee will review the nominations and decide the winner based on the information provided by each nominee.

      Major Project Award


      • To recognise companies that deliver outstanding results in project delivery.


      • Communications project that includes LMR, LTE, critical communications and associated technologies.
      • The nomination is supported by the end user/customer.

        Who can nominate:

        • Anyone.

        Who can win:

        • Any company or organisation that is a current financial ARCIA Member.

        Required nomination information:

        • Describe the nature of the project?
        • What elements of the project are being nominated?
        • Specify the overall outcomes that lead to the customer support of the project?
        • Size of nominee company (i.e., total number of employees).
        • Additional information: Optional (e.g., Customer testimonial)

        How do we judge:

        • A panel of judges selected by the ARCIA committee will review the nominations and decide the winner based on the information provided by each nominee.

        Outstanding Industry Individual of the Year


        • To recognise people in the industry who have excelled in their roles in comparison with their peers and are therefore deserving of peer recognition.


        • The nominees are employed by an ARCIA Member.

        Who can nominate:

        • Anyone.

        Who can win:

        • A person employed by a current financial ARCIA Member.

        Required nomination information:

        • What impact(s) is the nominee having within the workplace on projects, innovation, team members, or service delivery that is making a difference?
        • Provide details of where the nominee has made a difference.
        • Additional information: Optional (e.g., Manager testimonial)

        How do we judge:

        • A panel of judges selected by the ARCIA committee will review the nominations and decide the winner based on the information provided by each nominee.

        Small Business Award


        • To recognise smaller companies that not only survive but thrive.


        • A company that employs less than 20 people or has an annual turnover of less than $10M.

        Who can nominate:

        • Anyone.

        Who can win:

        • Any company or organisation that is a current financial ARCIA Member.

        Required nomination information:

        • What makes the nominee a successful small business?
        • How does the business survive in an ever-changing business environment?
        • How long has the business been in operation and how many people are employed?
        • What market(s) does the nominee business work in?
        • Additional information: Optional (e.g., Awards, key milestones)

        How do we judge:

        • A panel of judges selected by the ARCIA committee will review the nominations and decide the winner based on the information provided by each nominee.

        Industry Innovation Award


        • To recognise industry innovation.


        • Member of ARCIA.

        Who can nominate:

        • Anyone.

        Who can win:

        • Any company or organisation that is a current financial member of ARCIA.

        Required nomination information:

        • What sets the innovation apart from other innovations in the market?
        • Provide examples of how the innovation can (has) lead to improvements in any aspect of the communications market?
        • As a result of the innovation have new markets opened up for the nominee either locally, internationally, or both?
        • What would this mean to the nominee to win this ARCIA Award?
        • Additional information: Optional (e.g., Awards)

        How do we judge:

        • A panel of judges selected by the ARCIA committee will review the nominations for all categories and decide the winner based on the information provided by each nominee.

        Outstanding Critical Communications Project Award


        • To recognise a critical communications project that is deemed to have delivered outstanding results in project delivery and client outcomes.


        • A critical communications project utilising a range of technologies that could include LMR, LTE satellite, mesh and other associated technologies.
        • The project must be delivered for under $20m
        • The nomination is supported by the end user/customer

        Who can nominate:

        • Anyone.

        Who can win:

        • Any company or organisation that is a current financial ARCIA Member.

        Required nomination information:

        • Describe the nature of the project.
        • What was the primary need of the client?
        • What elements of the project are being nominated?
        • Specify the overall outcomes that lead to the customer support of the project.
        • Size of nominee company (i.e., total number of employees)
        • Additional information: Optional (e.g., Customer testimonial)

        How do we judge:

        • A panel of judges selected by the ARCIA committee will review the nominations for all categories and decide the winner based on the information provided by each nominee.

        Nominate Now

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