Lunchtime Learning: Overview of the wireless communications industry in Australia

Lunchtime Learning: Session 1
An overview of the state of the wireless communications industry in Australia
Wednesday 13th October, 2021 | 1:00pm Melbourne/Sydney time (AEDT) | Duration: 30mins
Presentation summary: This session will touch on the present situations, as well as open up some of the future options for wireless communications.
Target audience: This presentation will be of interest to ARCIA members, industry suppliers, communications users and those who are keen to understand a little more about our industry.
Presenter: Hamish Duff – President of ARCIA and Managing Director of Mastercom in Sydney, Hamish has many years of industry experience and keeps abreast of many technology advances from around the world.
Register now for the ARCIA Lunchtime Learning: Session 1 >>
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Date - 13th October 2021