Highlights From the 2017 WA Industry Dinner and Networking Event.
On 16 March, ARCIA held its annual Western Australia Industry Dinner and Networking event in Perth.
The dinner was run in conjunction with an exceptionally successful Comms Connect event program, featuring presentations on the land mobile radio landscape, spectrum use and compliance, cyber warfare and terrorism, smart cities, and LTE technology and networks, closing the day with a very thought-provoking open forum discussion on critical communications.
ARCIA welcomed almost 90 people to the Perth dinner from a wide range of wireless communication industry supporters. As always, our membership relished the opportunity to network with their peers, and enjoy time together in a non-competitive environment.
This year, we welcomed Jeff Miller, the CEO of the Civil Contractors Federation (WA) as our keynote speaker for a short presentation on the economic health of the construction sector, to which our fortunes are directly linked. This presentation included data and forecasts supplied by BIS Oxford Economics, based on residential and non-residential building, civil construction, and mining and heavy industry construction.
ARCIA would again like to congratulate our winner of the Western Australia State Industry Professional Carla Ramires Ellen Pen Steve Huntof the Year Award, Bruce Quail. Bruce was commended by his colleagues and the industry alike on his valuable contribution to the radio and wireless technology industry in Western Australia, and his outstanding work within the government and enterprise space who have relied on his expertise to ensure their users are connected to sturdy, reliable and progressive network infrastructure.
ARCIA would like to thank our membership for their contribution and attendance on the night, and to send our sincere thanks to our sponsors for their on-going support.