In Events, News

Great crowd turnout at the Melbourne Sundowner!

Crowd at the Melbourne Sundowner in June 2023

On Thursday 22nd June, around forty people attended the ARCIA Sundowner networking event in Melbourne. It was a great crowd, with many newcomers joining us for the first time, along with four of our partners represented—Simoco, Icom, Radlink and RFI. Feedback during the evening was really positive—we’re thrilled folks are enjoying these opportunities. The Rogue Squire was a great venue as always, and we were especially excited to announce and celebrate the Victorian State Professional of the Year Award winner.

Announcement of the VIC State Industry Professional of the Year Award Winner

Mat Merington, VIC State Industry Professional of the Year Award winner for 2023.At the ARCIA VIC Sundowner, we were delighted to announce the VIC State Professional of the Year Award winner, Mathew Merington—congratulations!

Mathew, along with the other State Industry Professional of the Year Award winners, are now nominees for the national ‘Peter Wallace Industry Advancement Award’ which will be announced at the Industry Gala dinner in Melbourne later this year.

Mat started off as a radio technician installing equipment into vehicles, before moving into the emergency services sector. He was responsible for updating and standardising the communication systems used by the SES at that point in time. Mat then moved into Emergency Management Victoria, steering all the emergency services organisations into a common radio network and establishing a panel of choice of terminals for each organisation.

Now, Mat works at ESTA (Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority) where he continues to provide expertise in critical communications solutions to Victoria’s first responders. Among Mat’s many achievements, is securing the Victoria Police regional operational channels to prevent eavesdropping—bringing it inline with the metropolitan network as well as raft of polices, procedures and initiatives to standardise critical communications in Victoria.
Mat is a true testament of an industry professional and we were delighted to present Mat with the Victorian Industry Professional of the Year Award for 2023.