In News

A great end to the year, efcharistó! (Thanks!)

The final ARCIA Sundowner for the year took place at The Greek Club in South Brisbane last Wednesday, 14 December. It’s an especially busy time of year, competing for end-of-year events and other commitments, but we had a fantastic turnout of around 30 members and partners attending! 

As has been the case previously, the venue looked after our guests very well, serving delicious food that ensured everyone was well-fed. The lively conversation continued through the evening, with general agreement that running a couple of these types of events annually—in addition to the usual ARCIA annual dinner and the State Industry Professional of the Year Award—would be a great idea.

Dates for 2023 will be published shortly so that you can lock these into your calendars well in advance. 

Thanks again for a fantastic evening, it was great to see you!


Images of people networking at the ARCIA Brisbane Sundowner event in December 2022.