Exciting news—Lunchtime Learning is coming
An idea from our recent survey asking, “What could ARCIA do to help our members under the present trying conditions?” was to bring more information on our industry to our members.
Introducing the Lunchtime Learning program.
The ARCIA committee liked the idea and so we have decided to start up a series of educational presentations—The ARCIA Lunchtime Learning program—that will be delivered initially via Zoom. We will organise 30-minute information sessions on topics of general interest to our members. The sessions will be run every two weeks at 1.00pm Melbourne/Sydney time, with the relevant times being the best we can manage for the other time zones. Essentially, this will be at morning tea break in Western Australia when the Eastern states are on Daylight saving time.
Our Executive Team are presently beginning to prepare the content and we are looking forward to having the first session in just a few weeks’ time. At this stage, some of our topics include:
- The state of our industry: Where are we at and what does the future hold?
- UHF CB: The dos and don’ts of CB frequencies in commercial radios
- An introduction to two-way radio for industry newcomers
- An overview of the different digital radio technologies
- ACMA licensing procedures
- The evolution of a sales order: What needs to be provided from the salesperson as part of the order to ensure that the client receives what they are expecting
- …Plus many more currently being evaluated!