Improving the effectiveness of ARCIA, in a time of unpredictability
We want to hear from you by Tuesday August 3rd.
Life right now, is unpredictable. We have tried our very best to get events back on track this year, but the pandemic has prevented these so far.
We recently made the decision to defer our events in Perth, and looking at the ongoing situation in Sydney, the ARCIA Executive team have expressed concerns about how we, as an Association, might be able to better serve our members and partners throughout these trying conditions.
We decided to reach out to as many industry personnel as possible, in order to get some indication of how you think ARCIA might be able to help our members, and the people in our industry. We want your input!
Tell us what you think ARCIA could do to help:
- Our industry
- Your organisation
- Your job
Please give this some thought and reply to us with some quick ideas on what you believe ARCIA could do to keep delivering value by Tuesday 3rd August.
(The responses don’t need to be fully detailed—just a few sentences on your thoughts.)
Don’t worry about practicality or costs either—your idea may fit in with another idea and we may still find a way!
FYI: We are currently considering doing some short videos to go on our website, so perhaps you could give us some video topic suggestions?