In late January, ARCIA ran another Professional Development training program in Canberra, the first time we have visited the Capital for this purpose. In total there were twenty attendees and we offered three topics as part of the training workshop –
- RF Filtering & multicoupling fundamentals
- Lightning protection and tower earthing for communications towers, and
- GIS & Mapping fundamentals for critical communications.
Each of the training sessions were run over a three-hour period and the attendees were all actively involved in the training sessions. Over 200 attendees have now attended our training so far. It is obvious that personnel in our industry are keen to add to their knowledge and learn more about the technologies they use every day, this is an indication of the commitment of employers and technical staff towards the future of our industry.
We thank RFI Technology Solutions and CartGIS for providing the topic content and industry mentors to present the information. Each of the attendees utilise a workbook as a learning aid and on completion they have their workbooks returned along with a certificate of completion noting the number of hours of Professional Development training received.