In News

2017 Elected Executive and Committee Members.

The ARCIA Annual General Meeting was held today in Brisbane. Congratulations to the Executive and Committee members elected for FY2017!


Hamish Duff

Vice President

Jim Simpson


Andrew Wyborn


Anthony Blyth

Committee Members

  • Graham Rallings, Membership Sub-Committee Convenor
  • John La Cava, Training and Education Sub-Committee Convenor
  • Denis Colbourne
  • Gary Botley
  • Michael Ryan
  • Jimmy Whelan
  • Glenn Sneddon, Accreditation Sub-Committee Convenor
  • Chris Stapleton
  • Kathryn Askwith, Website Sub-Committee Convenor
  • Matt Pickering
  • Andrew Findlay

Ex-Officio Member

  • Ranjan Bhagat
  • Rob Howes
  • Jamie Baker
  • Noel Higgins
  • David Cox

Ian Miller will continue as Executive Officer and Spectrum and Technical Sub-Committee Convenor.

As announced earlier this year we have also bolstered ARCIA activities with the senior appointment of Geoff Spring as Projects Officer.

Special thanks to Jeff Perry & Phil Dowd for all their efforts as committee members and Sub-Committee Convenors over many years, who are now taking a break from formal ARCIA duties.

Welcome to Jimmy Whelan, Mike Ryan and Matt Pickering to the committee.

Thank you all for volunteering your time and effort for the benefit of our members and the industry as a whole. Thank you to our partners for your support and thank you Telstra for the use of your facilities for the AGM.

For full details and wrap-up of the year stay tuned for the release of our FY2016 Annual Report to be published soon.